DaveThis semester, my class read John D’Agata and David Shields–and we discussed the differences between strict journalism and creative approaches to nonfiction. Several wanted to know where the line between fiction and memoir is–and when authors are permitted to get creative with their own nonfiction writing. 

I tend to be flexible in these matters (and anyways have a genetic aversion to dogma). After nearly two decades of schooling under Dominican nuns and Jesuit priests, I still break out in hives at the first whiff of the doctrinaire.

But I remember, too, doing a rather shoddy job of explaining the tangled threads–Lee Gutkind, Gonzo Journalism, Lauren Slater, &c.–to my students.  Alas, had I seen this brilliant post from Dave Gessner (from Bill & Dave’s Cocktail Hour), I might have avoided the whole mess.  I hope this helps clear up some of the confusion I probably created.